School workshops success story

School workshops success story

Tony was referred to our Connect 2 course by Rosshall Academy after issues with gang violence, anti-social behaviour and alcohol meant his performance and attendance at school were suffering. At the time he was referred, Tony’s attendance was very poor and he was at...
Connect 2 success story

Connect 2 success story

Kate* was referred to our Connect 2 course by Action for Children because she faced multiple barriers that were making it difficult for her to engage in mainstream education or employment. As well as an autism diagnosis and poor mental health, Kate had experienced...
FareShare volunteers wanted

FareShare volunteers wanted

Would you like to help us fight hunger and tackle food waste in Glasgow and the West of Scotland? We need regular volunteers, including volunteer van drivers, at our FareShare Glasgow and the West of Scotland warehouse to help us deliver food to local communities....
One to Watch Award shortlist

One to Watch Award shortlist

We’re excited to announce that our social enterprise Move On Wood Recycling has been shortlisted for the “One to Watch” Award at this year’s Social Enterprise Awards Scotland! The “One to Watch” Award recognises a social enterprise...
Leadership Academy

Leadership Academy

Our Mentoring Service Coordinator, Laura, is in the Isle of Skye this week with Midlothian Champions Board to take part in the Columba 1400 Young People’s Leadership Academy! The Leadership Academy focuses on the charity’s six core values of Awareness,...
Money and Debt Advice Service

Money and Debt Advice Service

Our Money and Debt Advice Service is now back up and running! The service offers people the support they need to manage debt and be more financially stable and confident. Our Money and Debt Advice service is accredited by Scottish National Standards for information...