Training and advice

Schools workshops
We deliver engaging and informative workshops on a wide range of topics that best suit your pupil’s needs. Recent topics have included anger management; conflict resolution; positive masculinity; healthy relationships; drugs and alcohol; and future aspirations.
The workshops are delivered by our skilled Development Workers, supported by literacy specialists.
We can tailor our programme structure and content to meet the individual needs of young people.
Employability courses
We offer a variety of employability courses for young people in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
All of our courses support young people to increase their confidence; gain qualifications; develop and improve their CV; build work skills; set goals; and raise their aspirations.
Through our social enterprises, FareShare Glasgow and the West of Scotland and Move On Wood Recycling, we are also able to offer practical work experience, including driving lessons and forklift operator training.
We are an SQA accredited centre and offer SQA Awards in Core Skills, Employability, Personal Development and the Certificate of Work Readiness.

Literacy and numeracy service
Our literary and numeracy service helps people feel more confident in their reading, writing, spelling, number work, IT skills and oral communication.
The service is offered one-to-one and in group sessions, either in Move On’s Glasgow office or on an outreach basis.
All of our trainees and volunteers are welcome to use our literacy and numeracy service.