As part of our work on tobacco prevention, Move On has signed up to Scotland’s Charter for a Tobacco-free Generation. The charter is an initiative to help reduce the harm caused by smoking and deliver a tobacco-free generation by 2034.

Over 380 organisations have pledged action to help create a tobacco-free Scotland.

The aim of Scotland’s Charter for a Tobacco-free Generation is to:

  • inspire organisations to take action to reduce the harm caused by tobacco;
  • raise awareness of the goal of creating a tobacco-free generation of Scots by 2034 and;
  • support organisations whose work impacts on children, young people and families to address tobacco issues.

Charter supporters endorse the following principles and pledge to help work towards a tobacco-free generation:

  • every baby should be born free from the harmful effects of tobacco;
  • children have a particular need for a smoke-free environment;
  • all children should play, learn and socialise in places that are free from tobacco;
  • every child has the right to effective education that equips them to make informed positive choices on tobacco and health;
  • all young people should be protected from commercial interests which profit from recruiting new smokers
  • any young person who smokes should be offered accessible support to help them to become tobacco-free.

Endorsing the Charter is a great way to help improve people’s wellbeing and shows your organisation’s commitment to making Scotland a healthier, wealthier place to grow, learn, play and work.

As an organisation, Move On has pledged the following:

  • To develop and deliver wellbeing workshops to raise awareness of the harmful physical and financial effects of tobacco use. Ensuring young people who take part in the groups have accessible support to help them become tobacco free;
  • To support our volunteers to open up the conversation about tobacco use with their mentees. To equip them with the knowledge on how to signpost for support if the young person wishes to be free from tobacco;
  • To raise awareness of the charter and our pledges throughout our staff team and outwith the organisation.

You can find out more about the charter on the Ash Scotland website.