Christmas card appeal

This time of year can be particularly challenging for many of the children, young people and adults that we support.

If you would like to support our vital services in Edinburgh and Glasgow, please consider donating to Move On instead of sending Christmas cards this year.

Your donation can help change lives long after the celebrations are over.

You can donate securely and easily through JustGiving.


Some of the ways we made a difference in 2022-23

young people supported to engage with education, training or employment

young people supported by a mentor or befriender

adults accessed literacy and numeracy support

Real people, real stories

Josh’s story

Josh was put in touch with us by Clayton Care, who provide support for young people and adults with learning or physical disabilities and those with mental health concerns. Josh volunteers in our Move On Wood Recycling social enterprise twice a week, along with his support worker, Donny.

With no previous experience of wood work, Josh has quickly taken to the role and “loves that it’s proper hands on.” He particularly enjoys going out in the van to help with wood collections and chatting with customers.

Although Josh has done volunteering placements in the past, Donny says the consistent and long-term opportunity to volunteer with Move On Wood Recycling is completely different, and has given Josh a new focus and drive. He says “We don’t say ‘volunteering’ – we say he’s got to get up to go to his work.”

Tony’s story

Tony was living in homeless accommodation and receiving addiction treatment when he started volunteering in our FareShare Glasgow and the West of Scotland social enterprise.

Tony credits volunteering with improving his self-esteem and changing his outlook on life. He says “Move On was the place that got me mixing with people and that gave me confidence. With support from the staff, I’m pleased to say I’ve passed my SVQ 3 in Health and Social Care. I recommend Move On to nearly every person I meet and will continue to do so – Move On have been massive for me!”

Tony has now secured a position as a delivery driver with FareShare Glasgow and the West of Scotland, supporting our service to redistribute surplus food to charities and community groups feeding people at risk of food poverty.

Your support can help us change lives

Swapping Christmas cards for a donation to Move On will help provide opportunities for people in Edinburgh and Glasgow long into the New Year