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Employability training


FareShare Glasgow and the West of Scotland

Move On Wood Recycling
Latest news and updates
Edinburgh Office Walkthrough
New Edinburgh Office Video Guide! We know that finding our office in Edinburgh might feel tricky, especially if you're new to the area. To make your visit as smooth as possible, we've created a quick and easy video guide that walks you through the best route to get to...
Peter’s Story – Forklift Training
Peter was a recent participant on the Way Ahead Service in which Move On is a partner. Way Ahead supports clients in Glasgow experiencing barriers such as experience of homelessness, the criminal justice system or addiction. Peter was referred by his Way Ahead Mentor...
Paid work placements now open to employers in Glasgow
Applications are now open for employers to create Paid Work Placements in Glasgow and support people facing employment barriers. Paid Work Placements will provide up to 60 people living within the Glasgow city boundary with the opportunity to work on a paid placement...
Charity admin volunteer in Edinburgh needed
We're looking for a charity admin volunteer in Edinburgh to support our social enterprise, Move On Wood Recycling. This is an ideal role for someone who wants to enhance their CV by gaining admin experience and skills. The successful applicant will be a valuable...
Construction apprenticeship success for Jayden
In our latest case study, we share how Jayden overcame his low confidence and lack of qualifications to secure a construction apprenticeship. Jayden was interested in a career in the trades when he was referred to Move On by Leith Academy, but struggled with low...
New partnership to tackle food poverty in Dumfries and Galloway
We're excited to announce a new partnership with The Cumberland Building Society to help tackle food poverty in Dumfries and Galloway. The partnership aims to benefit thousands of people and families struggling with the cost of living. The building society have teamed...