John Hinton

Executive Director

Jim Burns

Director of Operations

Finance and administration


Andrew Williamson

Finance and Administration Manager

Mathi Raveendran

Finance Administrator

Anna Pytlik



Joanne Nicholas

Trusts, Foundations and Statutory Fundraiser

Liz Aitken

Fundraising Assistant

Marketing and Communications

Charlene Best

Marketing and Communications Lead

Alice Cornelia

Marketing and Communications Officer

Mentoring and Employability

Leighanne McCombe

Mentoring and Employability Manager



Rebecca Webster

Assistant Manager, Glasgow

Stephen Wilson

Senior Development Worker, Edinburgh

Shug McRoberts

Senior Development Worker, Glasgow

Linda Stewart

Literacy and Numeracy Worker, Glasgow

Andrea Eleuteri

Development Worker, Glasgow

Nicola McDonald

Development Worker, Glasgow

Denise Talent

Development Worker, Glasgow

Rebekah Phillips

Development Worker, Glasgow

Henry Lennon

Development Worker, Glasgow

Angela Meldrum

Senior Development Worker, Edinburgh

Amy Dunn

Trauma Skilled Coordinator, Edinburgh

Marianne Sellar

Trauma Skilled Coordinator, Edinburgh

Dale Ross

NESSie Development Worker, Edinburgh

Lisa Cunningham

Development Worker, Edinburgh

Abby Jackson

Development Worker, Edinburgh

Stephanie Robertson

Development Worker, Edinburgh

Louise Stroobant

Development Worker, Edinburgh

Rebecca Tennant

Development Worker, Edinburgh

FareShare Glasgow and the West of Scotland

John Connell

FareShare Glasgow and the West of Scotland Operational Manager

Gordon Flynn

Assistant Manager

Andrew Goldsmith

Forklift Instructor and Development Worker

Grant McRoberts

Development Worker

Alex Beattie

Development Worker

Derek Kelly

Development Worker

Martin Clarke

Development Worker

Move On Wood Recycling

Craig Meldrum

Move On Wood Recycling Operational Manager

Maciej Kiernicki

Development Worker

Reuben Hustler

Development Worker

Piotr Waclawik

Development Worker

Freya Legg

Development Worker