Our funders

Move On relies on grants to fund projects and to contribute to our running costs. This support means we can meet the needs of hundreds of people facing challenging circumstances across Glasgow and Edinburgh every year. Thank you to all of the trusts, foundations, lotteries, and statutory funders who support Move On. Our work would not be possible without you. 

Garfield Weston Foundation

Supporting our core services.

Inspiring Scotland

Supporting children through mentoring and young people through employability work including our Drivers Employability Training Scheme.

Robertson Trust

Supporting our employability work and our NESSie partnership to engage with people in North Edinburgh.

Gannochy Trust

Supporting our mentoring and employability work.

The National Lottery Community Fund

Supporting our mentoring and pre-mentoring work to help young people to develop confidence and life skills.

FareShare UK

Supporting our FareShare Glasgow and the West of Scotland social enterprise to distribute surplus food to organisations feeding people at risk of food insecurity.

Cruden Foundation
Barcapel Foundation
bairdwatson logo
Murgitroyd Foundation
City of Edinburgh Connected Communities
Agnes Hunter Trust
SCVO Digital Devices Fund
John Watson's Trust
JLPF logo
Yorkshire Building Society
Gosling Foundation
Foundation Scotland Full Logo Positive

Dr. Guthrie’s Association SCIO

Ross & Liddell Community Bursary

Rozelle Trust

Plum Trust

The Blackford Trust



The Nairn Family Trust

The Tillyloss Trust

Nancie Massey Charitable Trust

Findlay Charitable Trust

Arnold Clark Community Fund


Hufstetler Foundation

Miss A M Pilkington Charitable Trust

The James Wood Bequest Fund

Souter Charitable Trust

The Russell Trust


Income breakdown 2022-2023

Get in touch

If you would like to get in touch, please contact joanne@moveon.org.uk.