Mentoring and befriending

Our mentors support young people aged 14-25 to achieve a personal goal.
Our mentoring service is available in Edinburgh and Glasgow.

intandem mentoring
intandem matches mentors with young people aged 8-14 who are looked after by their local authority but living at home.
Our intandem mentoring service is available in Edinburgh and the Lothians.

Our befrienders support young people aged 16-25 who are making the transition from living in supported accommodation to managing their own private tenancy and living independently.
Our befriending service is available in Edinburgh.
"I got involved with the mentoring service to build up my confidence in meeting new people and for self travel and independence."
Ailsa, a young person with a Move On mentor
Our mentoring service is accredited by the Scottish Mentoring Network and received their 10 Years Continuously Holding the Quality Award in 2023