Youth and Community Skills (Peer Education)
Youth and Community Skills (Y+CS) is an SQA-accredited training course for young people interested in youth and community work or who wish to develop their skills in this area. This 12 week programme trains young people to become Peer Educators, working with Move On staff to plan, develop and deliver housing education, life skills and budgeting workshops for schools, residential units and youth groups in and around Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Peer Educators get to share their own valuable life experiences and knowledge to educate other young people, whilst also gaining an SCQF level 3 or 4 in Personal Development! Y+CS not only introduces young people to the skills involved in youth and community work, but also helps them to gain confidence, increase work skills, meet like-minded people and most importantly, have fun!
Young People aged 16-19 who are unsure of what they want to do with their future or 16-28 year olds who have been affected by homelessness or have been looked after and accommodated.
Move On offices in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Peer Educators will be required to attend sessions twice a week which will cover a range of topics from communication and problem solving, to conflict resolution and employability. Once young people have attended training and completed a PVG they will have the opportunity to work with staff in delivering workshops.
All Peer Educators will also receive ongoing one-to-one support and supervision from a member of Move On staff.
If any organisations would like to deliver additional sessions, please get in touch as we would love to hear from you.
- Glasgow, Shug McRoberts, 0141 221 2272
- Edinburgh, Stephen Wilson, 0131 558 3740
See Calendar for dates of next training programmes in Edinburgh and Glasgow.